New Officials Survey

      Will you be returning as a Houston TASO Football Chapter member for the 2022 season?

      Did you have a positive experience as a new member of the Houston TASO Football chapter?

      If you will not be returning, please select all reasons why.

      Equality and Inclusion Committee

      The Chapter has formed an Equality and Inclusion Committee in an effort to enhance attempts to have all of its members feel a sense of belonging in the Chapter. The Committee members strongly believe that everyone should have an opportunity for advancement and growth in the Chapter.

      The Committee is in the process of creating a video of members’ experiences in the Chapter, both positive and negative, to provide insight into how the interactions with new members and members of minority groups (whether based on race, sex or sexual orientation) can help or hinder the Chapter’s base and its growth. If you are interested in participating in the video, please contact Carleton Cole at or (281) 460-3849 by March 15, 2022.

      Chapter members can contact the Committee with concerns and compliments regarding inclusion/equality issues. The members of the Committee are Carleton Cole (Chairperson), Rebecca Gallegos, Yvonda Lewis, Melanie Moorshead, Frank Sanchez, Terrie Sechrist, and Frank Young III.